TheAcademy ACAD_2C

A crest is more than a random piece of art or logo; it should be a thoughtful and memorable symbol of the best characteristics of the institution it represents. Here is more about our crest:

Having long been the symbol of infinity, the circle represents a completeness and perfection that few other shapes can illustrate. Because the curved line lacks the harsh angles of intersecting straight lines, it has come to symbolize the all-encompassing and immutable nature of God himself. The sideless circle is infinitely symmetrical, representing the Christian God who has neither body, parts, or passions.

Concentric Circles
Excellence implies hierarchy, a foundational principle for classical Christian education. Some things are more excellent than others, and our love and affections are to follow suit. St. Augustine calls this proper alignment of the soul the ordo amoris, or the “order of love.”

A variation on the medieval heater shield, this piece of our “coat of arms” represents a defense weapon that was manageable on horseback or foot. The biblical imagery of a soldier ready to defend the faith provides us with a vivid symbol of Christian discipleship.

Of the classification crux immissa, this combination of three Latin crosses and a lower sword blade is known as the cross flory fitch, or cross fitchy. Whenever three Latin crosses are used together, the symbol represents the Trinity. The sword blade at the bottom captures both a symbolism of piety and utility, as pilgrims would thrust the blade into firm ground during daily devotions and prayer, capturing an iconic picture of Christ establishing the church throughout the world. The Academy believes the cross of our Lord to be the very power of God to us who are being saved; the wellspring of all gospel activity, including the education of Christian children.

Olive Branch
The peace, unity, and concord of God’s people is represented in our use of the olive branch. Wanting to be at peace with all men and with one another, and realizing it is the peace of Christ which guards our hearts and minds, the olive branch captures a symbol of God’s perfect wholeness come to our work and relationships.

This majestic half-eagle, half-lion creature of mythology has been used in Christian symbolism to represent the hypostatic union of Christ’s divine and human natures. Further, eagles have long represented dominion of the skies, and lions that of earth, together symbolizing the Lord of heaven and earth.

This symbol, which compasses the outer edge of the circular crest, represents our being bound together in Christ. As the body of Christ, our lives are intertwined at the deepest part of our being—our hearts, minds, and souls.

Verum, Bonum, Pulchrum
Translated, “the True, the Good, and the Beautiful,” these three classical “transcendentals” represent the height of our pursuit, Christ himself embodying all three. These serve as a reference point in all that we strive for at The Academy of Classical Christian Studies.

Representative of truth, this color is symbolic of the decisive goal of all academic pursuits at The Academy of Classical Christian Studies—all of which is God’s Truth.

Representative of security, reliability, and intelligence, this color is symbolic of the permanence of our model, of Christian discipleship, and of the Truth.